Tree Trimming Little Rock AR
Call Pros To Trim Your Trees
We trim trees of all shapes and sizes, for both residential and commercial customers.
Our company is physically located in Little Rock and we serve North Little Rock and Sherwood areas as well.
We’ve been in business for many years and during that time we, as a company learned how to get the job done right.
Our staff members are professional and will never let your down.
Need more information about our services?
Simply give us a call at (501) 232-2750 or fill out our free estimate request form and we’ll contact your shortly.
Proper Trimming Is Essential
Regular trimming is not only aesthetically important, it is a safety issue in many circumstances, for both people and the tree itself!
Dead or dying branches not only pose a risk if they fall, they put stress on the tree that can contribute to uneven growth and further dead limbs.
Regular trimming makes yard-work easier, as well. When weak stems are removed, trees lose fewer twigs and sticks, keeping your yard neater. In this article we’ll walk you through the basics of tree trimming, including what you can tackle at home and when it might be best to call in a professional. When making this call, remember that it isn’t just about the tree! If you aren’t comfortable or safe working at heights, it’s best to let the pros handle it, even if the trim is one you feel you could do yourself under other circumstances.
Pruning vs. Trimming
These terms are used interchangeably when their meanings are actually very distinct. Pruning means to remove minor foliage and stems and usually is mainly cosmetic in nature. Trimming includes removing larger stems and major amounts of foliage. Even if all that is being removed are leaves, if a large percentage of the leaves are being removed, it’s a major surgery for the tree that can cause growth problems if done improperly. Removing stems of more than five centimeters in diameter is considered pruning, and must be done with care to avoid stunting the growth of the remaining limb. A tree care specialist will use several factors to determine the most effective way to trim a stem or limb that must be removed. The distance from the remaining limb might seem like a purely cosmetic choice, but really there is a growth pattern that must be considered in order to protect the remaining limb.
What Trimming Does
Tree trimming serves several purposes. Crown thinning, where select limbs and stems are removed to create more airflow and space between branches, prevents damage from heavy branches that could crush smaller ones beneath them. In especially dense species, thinning also allows sunlight to hit a greater percentage of the leaves. Thinning requires care not to over-trim. If more than a quarter of the stems need to be cut, the thinning should be planned to spread over several growth seasons to prevent stunting.
When the lower branches of a tree need to be removed in order to clear sightlines or simply for aesthetic purposes, this service is called “crown raising.” The main concern here is that the tree is allowed to keep enough branches to support strong trunk growth. If too many of the lower branches are removed, the tree won’t be able to feed itself properly. The rule of thumb here is that ⅔ of the tree’s branches should stay, but an arborist will help find the correct proportion depending on tree type and location.
Finally, crown reduction is a process that reduces the overall size of the crown of the tree. Unlike crown thinning, which removes mostly foliage, crown reduction mainly involves removing vertical stems from limbs. Unlike trimming a lateral stem, removing a vertical stem can change the support structure of the limb, so it must be done carefully. Cuts need to be made perpendicular to lateral stems that will remain on the tree so that the lateral stem doesn’t lose the strength of the limb.
When to Call a Professional
As mentioned, always call in a pro if you don’t feel that you can do any arboreal work safely, whether that’s due to height or location. Other circumstances that might need an expert are ones that involve dead, diseased, or decaying branches. It can be hard to tell how far the problem extends into the tree, which can lead to over- or under-trimming. Either mistake can be fatal to the tree and dangerous to anyone walking under it since over-trimmed trees also pose a risk of dropping newly-unsupported branches. Finally, if any limbs larger than five centimeters in diameter need to be removed, it’s usually best to have an experienced arborist do it. Not only are they more equipped to remove these limbs without damaging the surrounding ones, they’re set up to dispose of them properly.
If you do decide to tackle your tree trimming project on your own, knowing what kind of trimming you’re jumping into should give you a starting point for researching best practices. Frequently, a consultation from a professional is helpful in building a growth plan that will allow you to do more in the future without putting your trees at risk.